Massachusetts. – The U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration has cited a Massachusetts corporation/manufacturer for 13 alleged serious violations of workplace health and safety standards at its manufacturing plant. The manufacturer faces a potential total of $43,800 in proposed fines.
OSHA's inspection found a variety of emergency response, respirator, electrical and chemical hazards. The citations were issued for a lack of an emergency action plan, inadequate employee training in responding to emergencies, inadequate respirator training, lack of respirator fit-testing and medical evaluation, failure to evaluate respiratory hazards, unmarked exit routes, unlabeled containers of chemicals, severely corroded electrical equipment, an extension cord used in place of permanent wiring, inadequately guarded floor holes, missing stair rails, and an uninspected and improperly located emergency eyewash/shower.
OSHA issues a serious citation when there is substantial probability that death or serious physical harm could result from a hazard about which the employer knew or should have known.
MassDEP - Using fluorescent lamps makes business and environmental sense because they consume one quarter as much electricity as incandescent lighting. At the same time, spent and broken fluorescent lamps need to be handled very carefully because they contain small amounts of mercury. Standard linear fluorescents, lamps with green end caps or green marking, compact fluorescents, high intensity discharge (HID), neon and high-pressure sodium lamps used in outdoor lighting all contain mercury.
The Mercury Management Act, enacted in 2006, prohibits all items that contain mercury, including low mercury fluorescent lamps, from being thrown in the trash effective May 1, 2008. As of this date, all mercury containing lamps must be recycled or managed as hazardous waste.

Contact us today for a free estimate on any of the services we offer.
Site Remediation – Capital Environmental’s site remediation projects typically involve either the planned cleanup of oil and/or hazardous wastes or the cleanup of accidental spills of either oil or hazardous materials. Once initial crew and equipment are mobilized and the extent of a release is determined, additional technical equipment, manpower and support needs can be delivered from company resources or through cooperation with quality suppliers and vendors.
Industrial Waste Transportation – We will coordinate industrial wastes from the generators of such material to disposal or treatment facilities of your choice. We utilize licensed hazardous waste transportation vendors in the states of Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, Connecticut, and Rhode Island. This service is provided as a compliment to our remediation services or can be requested on its own.
Storage Tank Management – We also offer a full range of programs including aboveground tank maintenance and underground tank closures. To help you meet regulatory deadlines, tank removals will be scheduled year-round.
We have dedicated personnel trained in accordance with OSHA Standards and policies to provide:
- Tank Cleaning
- Tank Maintenance
- Underground and Aboveground Tank Removals
- Leak Detection
- Transportation and Disposal of Tanks and Residues
- Remediation of Contaminated Soils and Groundwater
- Permit Application and Report Documentation
- Permit-Required Confined Space Entry
- Lockout-Tagout Control of Hazardous Energy
Recycling of Petroleum Contaminated Soils – This specialized service is a major methodology in dealing with and disposing (off-site) of soil contaminated with petroleum based products. We provide analytical services, waste profiling, loading, transportation, and preparation of the necessary Bills of Lading for regulatory compliance.
We also offer the following consulting services:
Massachusetts “21-E” Site Assessments (Phase One and Phase Two)
Assist clients through the environmental site assessment of commercial and residential properties. Investigate historical and current uses and potential environmental impacts. Assist banks and other lending institutions complete due diligence process
- Transaction Screen Check Lists
- Phase One Non-Intrusive Site Assessments
- Phase Two Intrusive Site Assessments
- Soil & Groundwater Sampling and Testing
Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP) and Licensed Site Professional (LSP) Services
Assist clients navigate through the MCP (310 CMR 40.0000) for the assessment and cleanup of contaminated properties and oil and/or chemical spills. Brownfield re-development assessments, remedial design and cleanup implementation programs.
- MCP Phase One and Tier Classification
- Phase Two Comprehensive Environmental Site Assessments
- Environmental and Ecological Risk Assessments
- Soil and Groundwater Remediation
- Underground Storage Tank (UST) Services
Also providing OSHA, RCRA and USDOT Training and Compliance Services
Residential Homeowner Assistance Programs and Services
Assist homeowners with environmental concerns for a health environment.
- Drinking Water Well Testing
- Mold Testing and Abatement Services
- Above Ground and Below Ground Oil Storage Tank Cleaning & Removal